Relocation (San Diego)

Fleet and Family Support Centers are available to provide support via phone, telehealth, in person appointments, email, social media, webinar and command GMTs. 

If you would like to schedule an appointment with one of our providers, please call Centralized Scheduling at 1-866-923-6478.


Fleet & Family Support Center Services and Classes:
Click here for Fleet & Family Services
Click here for Fleet & Family Classes


Click here for an FFSC Recruitment Video




Whether you are settling in or departing from a duty station, the following relocation services can help ease the associated stress and make the transition easier for you and your family:

  • Exceptional Family Member Program
  • Individual or Family Consultation
  • Hospitality Kits and Loaner Items
  • Relocation Workshops
  • Welcome Aboard Information



One Call Serves All!

Appointment Scheduling for clinical counseling, relocation assistance, resume assistance, and financial consultations at any Navy Region Southwest FFSC call 1-866-923-6478.