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NBSD Picnic Area Rules & Regulations

Park utilization is by reservation only. Reservations can made at the Sports & Fitness Administrative office at the Admiral James G. Prout III Field House, Bldg.3279 Naval Base San Diego, by calling 619-556-7444 or by completing the NBSD Park Reservation Form.

  • Reservation may be made up to 120 days in advance for active duty
  • Retired Military personnel may reserve the park are for private individual use up to 90 in days in advance.
  • DoD civilian employees and military affiliated groups such as the Fleet Reserve, USO, Navy League, VFW, American League etc., may make reservation up to 60 days in advance with a minimum of 25 people.


The Command/organization sponsoring a picnic is directly responsible for the supervision and conduct of all personnel in attendance. However, NBSD has basic responsibility for events under the cognizance of the Commanding Officer, Naval Base San Diego. Accordingly, the following will apply:

  • Responsibility of the person in charge - This person must be present during the entire event and is responsible for maintaining good order and discipline. Accordingly, following will apply:
    • All areas of Park must be properly cleaned and cleared of personnel prior to closing.
  • Responsibility of MWR - MWR is directly responsible for the efficient operation and maintenance of picnic areas including the cleanliness of the restrooms and grounds prior to utilization by commands.


Fees may not be collected at the park for any type of entertainment, dunking booths, raffles, fundraisers, food or beverages.

Cleanup Requirements

  • Amphitheater Restroom - User will remove trash and litter in and around the facility and place in the receptacles provided.
  • All other areas:
    • Ensure that all picnic tables are cleaned and wiped down.
    • All trash is to be picked up from around the area and disposed of in the trash receptacles provided. Please close the lid to the dumpster to prevent the sea gulls from taking the trash and scattering it all over the park.
    • Clean the grill (leave hot coals in the pit).

The following general regulations are strictly enforced. Violation of established rules may result in a letter of complaint to responsible command/organization.

  • Spirituous liquors, other than beer & wine are not permitted.
  • The sponsoring command/ organization will assume full responsibility for damage and will be required to reimburse NBSD for replacement and /or repairs resulting from damage.
  • The following are prohibited:
    • Boisterous and profane language of loud music.
    • Pets of any kind
    • Drinking of alcoholic beverages by persons under the age of 21.
    • Vehicles parked inside the Mariner Park fence line will be towed if left overnight
    • At Mariner Park- No taping on or around the stage area, secure lights prior to leaving
  • Patrons’ area expected to comply with customary rules of consideration, cleanliness and conduct and all applicable city, state and Federal requirements.
  • Facility users will: Immediately report any unusual incident involving personal injury or property damage to the NBSD Security Dept. personnel. After normal working hours, incidents should be reported to the Command Duty Officer, NBSD by calling 619-556-1246. A written report should be submitted to the MWR site Manager NBSD (Code N92M) by the next working day.
  • Fundraising or the collecting of money for any purpose is not permitted aboard NRSW installations. No outside catering, please contact Anchors Catering 619-556-7788, they will have first right of refusal. 
  • For Gear Rental (Bounce Houses, Grills, Tables, Chairs etc.) please contact Outdoor Adventure Center at 619-556-7493, they will have first right of refusal.

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